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Ransom Press Books
Miami Office

Our main book distribution for the US, Canada and the rest of the world (excluding Colombia) is out of our office in Miami, FL

We now have an office in  Miami to distribute our books and CD’s.  It is managed by our friends from Colombia, Nelson and Marcela Almario.  Please send your orders by mail or fax as this is easier for Nelson and Marcela who are just learning English.  Visit our office if you are in Miami, and we even have facilities for an overnight stay.  Contact the Almario’s by note or fax to make arrangements.

All the following materials are available for a suggested offering.  Please don’t confuse this office with the Pan-America Mission in Newberg, OR which handles our support and ministry offerings and issues a tax-deductible receipt.  The Pan-America Mission does not handle our books or CD’s, so don’t send them book orders.  Send all such orders to the Miami office of Colombia para Cristo at the below address.



To order books

Colombia para Cristo

c/o Nelson Almario

1355 NW 93rd

Court Office A108

Miami, FL 33172 

Fax: 305-392-2581

Book Orders


Comments, Suggestions or Orders?
Email us at:

Colombia Para Cristo

Colombia Para Cristo *