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Colombia Para Cristo
Stendal Newsletters

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Recent Wanderings:

Chad & Pat Stendal returned from Colombia on July 14. They are not going back to Colombia righ now because of Pat's health. Pat is having problems with one eye, the retina may be detaching. If this should happen, she needs to be near a retina hospital to have surgery within the first 24 hours, so she will not go blind in that eye. Depending on how things go, she may have to stay in the States for awhile. UPDATE: Pat's eye is doing better.

Russell is in Colombia, with no plans to come to the States for a while.

Chaddy and Yolanda have returned to the States. Yolanda had her gall bladder surgery in Colombia and is recovering slowly. Chaddy had surgery in one eye to correct myopia. They both need prayer for recovery.

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