We have very good news from Colombia. Russell has the sound studio fully operational and is producing all the programming for the station out in Bonaire. He is able to cut CDs, both messages and music to use on the FM station that has been running 24 hours a day for several years now. The feedback has been excellent from the listeners to this station. For many, who live out in the area controlled by the Marxist guerrillas, this station is their only link with Christianity. The churches have been closed and house meetings are forbidden. These people live on scattered farms and small towns out in the remote areas of eastern Colombia.
Russell is also producing CDs made up of "shorts", messages of only a few minutes. These shorts are being received and aired on over 50 radio stations in other parts of Colombia. (Almost all of the radio stations in Colombia are in the cities and the population centers.) Right now he is producing a series of shorts made up of Scripture portions. Several months ago Russell was granted permission to operate an AM station out at Lomalinda/Bonaire. He is going ahead with setting up the AM station before the permission expires. He has ordered the transmitter and still owes $6,500. This station will have far greater coverage than the present FM. The AM will be great for reaching many more people at long distances, but the FM will still keep broadcasting as the quality of music is much better, and it will still be the station of choice for all within its range. He will use the present tower but eventually will have to set up a separate tower. Below, you will see the four different covers of the New Spanish Bible. 
This red cover is designed to appeal to the "evangelicos", the protestants.

This green camouflage is for the military, police, the guerrillas, and paramilitary.

This black cover is for the Catholics

This blue cover is primarily for our Jewish friends.
These Bibles are being very well received by all the different groups. The actual printing costs are about $5.00 apiece for each Bible, however Russell feels that behind each Bible lies at least double that amount of developing costs.
These Spanish Bibles will soon be available in the United States on a freewill offering basis. Russell hopes that you will keep in mind these hidden costs and that your generous offerings will enable us to meet the printing bill as well as the other financial demands of this ministry. We do not want to be a "begging ministry" but pray that the Lord will raise up "cheerful givers" to enable us to keep moving forward on "all fronts" as the Lord keeps opening up opportunities. A heartfelt thanks to each one of you who has given so sacrificially to meet the needs so far. Both the Christian printer and the supplier of the radio transmitters are giving us 90 days to meet these bills. We need prevailing prayer for the prison radio station. It is all set to go on the air, but the prison department wants a more powerful station than first planned so as to reach all three prisons in Bogotá. Of course it will then reach the rest of the city as well. On the basis of this, Russell sold the transmitter he had ready and ordered a larger one. The papers are now in the hands of the government agencies. Only two frequencies are available, and there are many requests. Pray that the Lord will cut through the red tape and give all the required approvals.
Chad and I have been traveling in the eastern United States and Canada this last month. On May 30 we will return to Colombia. We request prayer for our safety and that of all our family and coworkers in Colombia at this difficult time. Keep praying for the Christian Kogis, and we will give you an update on them soon. |